Sheet menu
This menu operates on the current sheet (of the current book).
Undo last manual edit step, one at a time.
Redo last undone manual edit step, one at a time.
Reset Sheet
Reset the active sheet to its initial state, as if it were just loaded as a plain image
Reset Sheet to Binary
Reset the active sheet to its BINARY state, that is the binarized (black and white) image.
Transcribe Sheet
Start the transcription of just the active sheet.
Invalidate Sheet
Flag the selected sheet as containing no music information.
The sheet will be ignored during transcription of the book.
Set Sheet Parameters
Display and potentially modify parameters of current sheet (mainly scaling data).
Display Scale plots
Display plots of two histograms used for sheet scale retrieval:
- The "black" plot deals with vertical black runs, leading to staff line thickness and possibly beam thickness.
- The "combo" plot deals with combined length of vertical black run followed by vertical white run, leading to staff interline(s).
(needs PLOTS topic)
Display Stem plot
Display plot of histogram of stem thickness.
(needs PLOTS topic)
Display Staves plots
Display the projection to x-axis of black pixels contained between staff first and last lines, leading to barlines extraction.
(needs PLOTS topic)
Display Binary
Open if needed, then select the binary view tab.
Display Data
Select the data view tab. This central sheet view exists from GRID step onwards and is the only one which cannot be manually closed.
Display NoStaff
Open if needed, then select the "NoStaff" view tab that shows the transcribed score with "logically erased" staff lines.
It's helpful to see the quality of the image that is used for the internal score processing, because staff line removal can lead to collateral damages in some cases.
Display line Glyphs
Open the "StaffLineGlyphs" view tab that shows just the "removed" pixels of staff lines.
Print Sheet as
Write the transcribed sheet in PDF format, so that it can be printed or saved for further purposes.
The name of the output file is derived from the book name, followed by "#" and the sheet number if the book contains more than one sheet.
The file is saved in a (newly created) book subdirectory of the basic output directory path.
Export Sheet as
Same as above except that the user can define the file name and the folder where the file is saved.
Sample sheet Symbols
Populate the book sample repository with samples derived from relevant inters of this sheet only.
(needs SAMPLES topic, see Samples section)
Annotate sheet Symbols
Populate a Zip archive with images and symbol annotations derived from inters of this sheet only.
(needs ANNOTATIONS topic)