Building from sources (Windows, Linux, MacOS)


  • Java Development Kit (JDK): version 7 or 8 (preferred), but not 9 or 10 yet. Audiveris 5.1 can run on both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures.

  • Git: version control system.

  • Tesseract OCR: Audiveris engine delegates to Tesseract software the recognition of any text item (lyrics, title, directions, part names, etc...) and you need Tesseract language files for this OCR to work properly.
    Pick up at least the english (eng) language data. Other languages can be installed too, like deu, ita, fra, etc. Please check the Tesseract guide for further details and make sure to grab language data for Tesseract 3.04 rather than 4.0.
    Note that you can still run Audiveris without any Tesseract language file, you will simply get a warning at launch time, and of course any text recognition will not be effective.
    Language installation depends on your OS. Here are examples to add Russian language (rus):

    • Linux-Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr-rus
    • MacOS: sudo port install tesseract-rus
    • Windows:
      1. Download russian language data from into c:\Program Files (x86)\tesseract-ocr\tessdata (on 64-bit machine) or c:\Program Files\tesseract-ocr\tessdata (on 32-bit machine)
      2. Make sure the environment variable TESSDATA_PREFIX contains the full path to the parent of tessdata folder, that is either c:\Program Files (x86)\tesseract-ocr\ or c:\Program Files\tesseract-ocr\.

    At runtime, you can specify which languages should be tried by the OCR software. By default, these are deu, eng, ita, fra as specified by the application constant org.audiveris.omr.text.Language.defaultSpecification.
    You can modify this default by changing the constant value either interactively (using the menu Tools|Options) or in batch (using -option org.audiveris.omr.text.Language.defaultSpecification=ita+fra+eng+deu+rus).
    You can also, using the Book | Set Book Parameters menu, change the language(s) default or override it at book and even sheet levels.

  • FreeType library: Unix-like platforms (including MacOS) need FreeType in your $PATH to handle those specific PDFs that contain vector graphics. Fortunately, every known Unix-like OS distribution already contains a package for FreeType.

Download, build and run

To download Audiveris project, use the following command in a directory of your choice:

git clone

This will create a sub-directory named "audiveris" in your current directory and populate it with project material (notably source code and build procedure).

Now move to this "audiveris" project directory:

cd audiveris

Once in this "audiveris" project directory, you can:

  • Build the software via the command:

    ./gradlew build (Linux & Mac, or Cygwin terminal under Windows)

    gradlew.bat build (Windows terminal)

  • Run the software, as GUI tool, via the command:

    ./gradlew run (Linux & Mac, or Cygwin terminal under Windows)

    gradlew.bat run (Windows terminal)

Please note that all these commands use gradle wrapper (gradlew) which, behind the scene, takes care of getting and launching the proper gradle version.

Alternative Run

The gradle-based run, as described above, makes sure that all your potential modifications are compiled before the application is launched. This is the preferred approach for a developer.

However, if you don't modify the code and merely want to launch the (un-modified) application you don't need to go through gradle for each and every run.

Because, once you have built the software with the gradle build command as stated above, you now have a build/distributions folder in the repository root with tarred/zipped libraries (Audiveris.tar and

Simply extract either one of the archives:

# Either extract the .tar archive
tar -xf build/distributions/Audiveris.tar
# Or extract the .zip archive
unzip build/distributions/

Then, you can repeatedly run audiveris from those files:

# Run audiveris (append arguments if so needed):
java -cp "Audiveris/lib/*" Audiveris

Building from Arch User Repository

In the AUR (Arch User Repository), there exist two packages which can be installed by hand (or with your AUR-helper of trust) for Arch Linux distribution:

To install, simply execute:

git clone
#git clone
cd audiveris
makepkg -fsri

Or with an AUR-helper (pikaur/yaourt/...):

pikaur -S audiveris
#pikaur -S audiveris-git

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